How to Change Blade on Miter Saw

Your miter saw blade is arguably a very important tool for both DIY enthusiast and professionals as well. Without the blade, your miter saw is of no use! While the blade is so important, there comes a time when you need to change the blade. The reason may be that the blade is blunt or perhaps you simply want to use a different blade on the miter saw for a different project. Whichever the case, learning how to change the blade on a miter saw is important since you want to carry out the task without problems.

However, with so many miter saws in the market, many people find it hard to get the right information when it comes to changing the blades. The reason is that the blades are not always the same. Some saws vary slightly depending on the brand. But, once you have basic knowledge on how to do it, you are less likely to find it hard when changing the blade on your miter saw.

In this blog, we give you the steps that will work on almost all miter saw brands.

Whether you are thinking of how to change the blade on Chicago electric miter saw, how to change the blade on Dewalt miter saw or how to change the blade on a rigid miter saw, we got you covered! Here is how you can do it!

Safety comes first

Start by unplugging the miter saw from the wall socket. Make sure that you unplug the right power tools by simply squeezing the trigger that initiates your blade severally. If using a battery-powered miter saw, make sure you remove the batteries. The reason is to make sure your hands are safe when handling the machine. Besides, you wouldn’t like it if your hands are accidentally chopped off by the machine.

Removing the blade from the miter saw

After unplugging the miter saw from power, the next step is removing the blade from the saw. You can easily do this by simply removing the blade guards that are normally attached to the blade with screws. Just unscrew the bolts and using hands, lift the blade guard out-of-the-way. Once you do that, the blade guard won’t stop you from sharpening with ease.

Lock the blade

After doing this, press the miter saw spindle lock to make sure the blade is secure. Always make sure the lock is secure before handling the blade. The lock is found on the front or back of the saw housing. It is a tiny button that moves in and out. Once the blade is locked, the button will go all the way down.

Remove the blade carefully out of the miter saw and make sure that you do not touch the teeth with bare hands. If you are comfortable with a pair of gloves, get one and put them on before handling the saw blade. Even if the blades are dull or work out, that does not mean that they cannot harm your hands. Besides, it’s better to stay safe than sorry.

Change the miter saw blade

Before changing the blade, it is always good to consult a professional or follow the manufacturer’s instructions. The reason is that the process varies slightly among brands. To begin with, always make sure the teeth of the blade faces down. The reason is that improper installation may lead to serious injuries. Once you install the miter saw, put the outer back and tighten using your fingers.

After that, fasten the bolt by moving it in the counter-clockwise direction with the Allen wrench. Always make sure the blade is tight enough to avoid possible accidents. With the use of a screwdriver, lower and re-attach the blade guard on the miter saw. 

There you have it. Changing miter saw blades is not as hard as many perceived it to be. Many people usually shy away from changing the blade and just spend money on hiring an expert. However, this is a waste of money. The reason is that you can easily do it on your own. All you need is to follow the above steps and you will become a guru when it comes to miter saws.

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